Sunday, December 12, 2010

An Ugly Sweater Party

This week I had big plans for the weekend.  Sure I had been sick for the longest time ever but I was certain that by 6:00  p.m. Friday I would be feeling much better.  I had a list of to do’s that I was determined to accomplish.  Things that I had yet to do because of the germ exchange that has taken place in my house this holiday season.  By the time Friday rolled around the little miss and I both ended up going home sick, her from school and me from work.  We spent the afternoon Friday cuddling, reading stories (The Giving Tree), blowing noses, and hoping our Saturday would be much better.  Saturday in between coughing fits and mad dashes for the tissue box we did manage to get some of our tasks accomplished.  I guess my mom was feeling brave this weekend (plus she promised Jalayla she would come visit and had already caught our cold), she came over and we did a little cleaning around the house with the intention of Chris, Jalayla, and I finally putting up our Christmas tree.  The Mr. put up Christmas lights, and the little miss decorated the windows with snowflakes.   Jalayla and I had hoped to do some serious baking yesterday but our vision never quite came into fruition.  Besides I’m not sure anyone would have wanted to eat our cooking given the current circumstances.  What I did end up baking; however, were 3 break and bake cookies in the wee hours on the night, the perfect addition to a warm cut of Theraflu.

Our plan for today was to go to church to get our praise on.  Last week was such a blessing for us.  Instead after dragging myself to the kitchen to make breakfast this am Jalayla and I made our way back to the bed and fell back asleep.  And now, hours later, here we sit. Jalayla on her DS and me on my lap top.  In just a few moments we will be getting up soon to get another glass of orange juice, she will ask me for some saltine crackers (for some reason we love those crispy white squares packed with sodium and no nutritional value what-so-ever) but for now we are nice a cozy. 

Wanting to be somewhat productive I figured I would make an attempt to cross one more thing on my list.  My mommy crew and I are having a Christmas party for the kiddos (did I really just type that) this year and I have yet to send out the evite.  So I went to, clicked on “winter holidays” and there was the perfect invitation.  Not quite what we are looking for but in my opinion worthy of honorable mention – an invite for “An Ugly Sweater Party”.  For some reason the sight of this made me feel all warm and fuzzy, kind of like sweater.  Apparently this is not a new concept and this type of shindig is common but it’s new to me and I’m very (easily) amused.  As I sat and looked at the invite visions of Christmas sweaters danced in my head.  And so I leave with you an ode to the Christmas Sweater.  Now remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Feeling a little adventurous this Holiday Season and want to host yourself an Ugly Sweater Party just go here.  For reasons to smile just look around.  They're everywhere we just have to keep our eyes and heart open to see them.

Wishing you and yours a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season.


  1. Krishann, I hate being sick, it's not fun! Even worse when the little ones don't feel so good as well. I know you're a go getter and being confined to a bed is in my words "WACK". I really hope you guys feel better soon so you may complete your to do list. On a second note, those sweaters are ugly but make me feel warm and cozy in a strange way, LOL.

  2. It is so wack!! We went and had some soup with Nana which did us both some good (not sure about the people sitting behind us listening to us cough). It was nice getting some fresh air but I couldn't hang that long...I have temporarily removed some to-dos for the time being. Ease some of the pressure :)Glad the sweaters have you feeling warm and cozy on the inside. I remember begging to get them growing up. Even wore a couple in my day. Not as cool as the ones above but I worked it out ;)Maybe we should bring it back this year?!?!
