Saturday, February 5, 2011

Falling in Love

Well hello February.  You came so fast I didn’t have time to say goodbye to January.  Which is kind of ok because January, frankly, you kicked my butt.  Of course sprinkled in between all the fanny kicking were lovely lovely moments such as bringing in the new year at church, realizing that I had one month left until transferring to an office closer to home, finishing all of my laundry, meeting Emily (we're going to be on her show!!!), celebrating special milestones in the lives of loved ones, and of course falling in love over and over again with my two lovies – Chris and Jalayla, oh and our little Stella too.

This year I set out to be grateful.   I found that finding a reason to be grateful in the mist of my challenges changed the way I saw and responded to things.  Need I say it has hardly been easy and while I would love to bore you with details what I will do instead is share is my newest venture - Project me :) mmm hmm you read that right – me.  I have decided that I am working on making ME – Krishann – a priority.  Let’s face it I’m a “helper” that’s why I chose a “helping profession” and why I am always one of the first to volunteer to well uh, um – help.  And, while I find so much joy in doing things that make other people happy I need to find a balance so that it’s not at my own expense (or my family’s), out of feelings of obligation (cuz that's no fun) and so that I don’t slip back into my former profession – “people pleaser”.  I am ready to surround myself with people who pour into my life just as I do with them.  I remember hearing a message from Bishop Noel Jones a couple years ago during which he preached about people who deposit into your life and those that withdraw (and withdraw and withdraw) – there must be a balance.  I feel like my expectations (not very high these days) of others perhaps are a reflection of my own feelings toward myself and perhaps it is time to raise the bar. 

I mentioned falling in love with Chris and Jalayla over and over again.  The two of them are my gifts from God and they do bring me such joy but I am ready to fall in love with Krishann again too.  So one day at a time I will take things.  I need to worry less about what other people say and think and do what makes me happy.  One more time – I need to worry less about what other people say and think and do what makes me happy.  I need to stop worrying about being everyone’s go to girl ( “yes (wo)man” psssst) and what will happen if I don’t help out and invest my time and energy into the things that matter most – to me because I’ve got three cute little ATMS over here and I’m trying to make some nice deposits.  I also need to remember that I am valuable and precious if not to anyone else – to God and to ME.

So like I said I’m working on me.  Recently I was reminded that if I don’t take care of me how can I be any good to those that mean the world to me.  I was told next time I go get a pedicure (dare I go without Jalayla) remind myself that I am also doing this for my family (the other day when I stopped at Rite Aid to get a taste of nostalgia and got some yummy ice cream – that was for Chris and Jalayla :) ). But I get it, really, I immediately saw the correlation as in our home along with colds and yawns happiness is contagious.

So here’s to February a month where love is working overtime.  Here’s to chocolate kisses, homemade valentine’s cards and stickers (because we heart valentine's day stickers) and here’s to Black History Month – gotta represent.  Here’s to showing people that you love them by what you do. Sure telling them is nice too but haven’t you heard "actions speak louder"?!  And here's to ATMS may you have an equal amount of deposits and withdraws (No overdrafts alright?!).  Oh and let’s not forget, here’s to falling in love with ourselves over and over again <3


  1. What a word. God has gifted you with putting words to paper in such a profound way. Your words give life:). Charity begins at home and it starts with each of us loving ourselves and treating ourselves as the beautiful creation God intended when He created us in His image likeness. Here's to loving ourselves, whereby we can more genuinely love others!

  2. Thank you, great post. By I just read a great ebook that helped me a lot. It teaches you how to learn how to say ‘No’, and stop being such a people pleaser. It’s very funny and compassionate. “Rediscovering the power of No”, by Irina Avtsin. There is an excerpt on the web, I’d love to hear your thoughts if you read it. I would love to know what techniques helped you to say ‘No’ more often?
    Thanks again!

  3. And here's to mom because she thinks you're great at whatever you do! xo.

  4. Loretta,

    Thank you so much for your positive feedback! I haven't read the book you are referring to but I read the excerpt and I love the concept. I think we should all get to know ITAI. I like the idea of actually taking the time to think about it and wonder why I often feel such a sense of urgency to respond when being asked to do things. Because this is a new venture for me I am still working on the technique part; however, you have definitely given me something to thing about and to practice. Nothing wrong with thinking things over…I am also learning to think about impact of my choices (commitments). Recently at work a coworker asked for my help. Rather than taking the time to think about it and getting back to her, I felt compelled (pressured maybe) to respond immediately and said yes. While my favor helped her out I ended up being placed in a very uncomfortable stressful situation which resulted in a headache and an irritable me who was no fun to be around (fortunately I got home early and had some time to do some processing before everyone got home). So I guess what I am saying is that I need to really think things through and weigh those things we refer to as “pros” and “cons”. It is great to be able help others and I always think to myself what if I was in need of some help myself? BUT had I done some thinking before talking perhaps I would have thought to get some background information which could have impacted my decision entirely or at the very least resulted in me knowing what I was signing up for. So back to that whole impact thing, before I say yes I need to think about the potential impact it will have on me and subsequently my family. If I’m feeling overwhelmed and I have put too much on plate what happens when they need me? Call me selfish but I'm thinking why not invest it what will give ME the greatest return (AND JOY!!) Ok so I am rambling now but I will be sure to let you know how things go. By sharing it with you and those who are reading it's kind of helping me hold myself accountable. Thanks again for your post and of course for introducing me to ITAI. I think we will become great friends ;)

  5. I'm amazed at your flow!!! So filled with rhythm and ease, no bumps or hicks, but just flowing as from a fountain from deep within.

    You should write books and poems. I think you have a gift in there somewhere.
